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AlaMed – Alabama’s largest workers’ compensation PPO network.
The source for workers’ comp medical providers since 1991.
AlaMed is a Workers' Compensation Preferred Provider Organization formed in 1991, by five Alabama Third Party Administrators in order to minimize the spiraling workers' compensation medical cost.
AlaMed is devoted to supplying our members and self-insured companies with the best providers at the most economical rates in the industry today.  Substantial savings are accomplished through front end direction, producing a reportable positive outcome for our clients as well as their employees.
Serving thousands of employers and hundreds of thousands of their employees in almost every county and city in the state through a far-reaching network of physicians, hospitals, medical facilities, physical therapist, occupational therapist, home health, and other health related providers.
AlaMed is the most comprehensive and economical workers' compensation program in Alabama today.